Tracy Denver

Tracy Denver

tick, tick … BOOM!


What excites you about tick, tick … BOOM! and the role you are playing?

It's a story about a man trying to discover both himself and his unrecognized talent. The script features the support and love of those who love Jon (the main character) and that mimics life so truly in the life of an artist.

What’s your process like in preparing for a show like this, and how does that process change (if at all) from other shows?

Since there are only 3 people in this production and my character plays many different roles, I've spent more time thinking about how each character sounds, moves, and relates to Jon than some other shows I've been in as it is rare for one character to have so many opportunities within a script. It's been fun to play around with each character!

What’s your biggest challenge about taking on this role?


How did you get started performing?

Singing in church.

Why do you still perform?

I feel more human when I perform. Each character and each story reminds me of our collective humanity and bringing that to the stage for other people to see and experience themselves as fully human is a priviledge.

What’s your dream role, and what do you feel you would bring to it?

Velma Kelly in Chicago. I love the storyline, the music and playing sultry characters. Velma is multi-faceted and challenging (one must be able to sing, dance and act in this role) and I love and hate doing things that scare me!

What’s a fun fact people may not know about you?

I can make an elephant noise with my mouth.


Justin Ostergard


Hayes Burton