Mykai Eastman

Mykai Eastman

Sophisticated Ladies


What excites you about Sophisticated Ladies and the role you are playing?

What excites me about Sophisticated Ladies is the opportunity to be part of telling Duke Ellington's evergreen story through a non-conventional medium of dance!

What’s your process like in preparing for a show like this, and how does that process change (if at all) from other shows?

Since I'm only dancing in this show, my prep process is cardio, cardio, cardio! Having the stamina to perform these high energy numbers is key!

What’s your biggest challenge about taking on this role?

My biggest challenge is nursing my calves back to normal after every rehearsal. 

How did you get started performing?

I started performing from an early age in childhood at summer camps, went on to attend a performing arts school, and I haven't left the theatre since.

Why do you still perform?

I am primarily a creative artist, so I don't get to perform very often anymore, but if the right piece calls to me, I will be first in line to audition. 

What’s your dream role, and what do you feel you would bring to it?

My dream role is Macbeth in a reimagined setting, and I feel that I could bring spryness and vigor to the combat. 

What’s a fun fact people may not know about you?

My fun fact is I can recite The Canterbury Tales' Prologue in Middle English!


Dallas Slankard


Rita Maria Aires