Ali Chung

Ali Chung (Camila Rosario)

In The Heights

JUNE 23 — JULY 30

What excites you about In the Heights?

I grew up in NYC so the show really reminds me so much of home. I remember exactly where I was when the blackout happened, and I feel the pace of the city whenever we are in rehearsals. It’s a beautiful story with an amazing score.

What’s your process like in preparing for a show like this, and how does that process change (if at all) from other shows?

We have a pretty incredible director who took the time at the beginning of the process to ask us lots of questions about our characters- things we may or may not have been thinking of. The questions continue at rehearsal and in every scene we work. It really helps us to bring our character to life but also create strong connections with the other people on stage.

I also think the parallels between Camila and my mother and grandmother are really strong, so this show differs for me in that I really drew a lot of inspiration for who she is from the two strongest women in my life.

What’s your biggest challenge about taking on this role?

My biggest challenge is making Camila a full and authentic person, and finding her vulnerable side. She comes across as so strong and the one who keeps everything and everyone else together, but it’s important to see her sensitivity and vulnerabilities too.

Why do you still perform?

I actually took a break from performing after I moved to Denver from NYC. My first show in 15 years was just this past winter. I took time to spend with my son, Aston, who is now 7 years old. Taking him to all his music lessons and baseball practices I began to realize how important it is to do the things that we love, and I wanted him to see his mom pursuing her passions and doing what she was put on this planet to do.

What’s your dream role, and what do you feel you would bring to it?

My dream role is The Witch from Into the Woods. Seeing Bernadette Peters play that role when I was young was what made me want to go into theatre in the first place. I have done the show 3 times, but never have played The Witch, and now that I am a mom, I think I would bring a much different side to the character than I would have before I had my son. I think I can identify with the part of her that wants to keep her child safe and away from anything that could hurt her. 

What’s a fun fact people may not know about you?

I am absolutely obsessed with kickboxing. I have been training about 6 days a week for over 7 years now, and cannot start my day until I have had a pretty intense kickboxing season. Punching things has definitely made me a happier and calmer person.


Teej Morgan-Arzola


Bernie Cardell